About Rudolf Goosen
Rudolf Goosen is a International Motivational Speaker on the topic of Taking Your Life To The Next Level. His first book is also called “Taking your life to the next level” and is based on his life experiences around personal and businesses development.
For a his age Rudolf has an very impressive resume that ranges from being a professional Rugby player in the mid to late 90’s after which he was forced to retire his Professional sporting career due to a serious neck injury. Having to rebuild his life (from scratch) he managed to establish himself as a world class Keynote Speaker and Entrepreneur in a variety of markets. As an established Author he also successfully wrote two best selling books dealing with Personal Development as well as Leadership Development. Today he travels the world adding value to crowds wanting to enhance their lives as well as corporate companies wanting to motivate their staff.
As a Mental coach to individuals, leadership and CEO’s Rudolf is highly regarded among his associates and believes that everyone is born with the same abilities – everyone just identify it in a different way.